How To Find The Best Outdoor Flooring Patio: Types of Floor Tile

Are you in search of resistant outdoor tiles for your home? Know which tiles are best for outdoor flooring and why. Follow this ultimate guide to unlock facts about the best tile for outdoor settings.

27 Sep, 2023
Discover Which Tiles Are Best For Outdoor Flooring - blog poster

Choosing Tiles For Outdoor Flooring: Ultimate Flooring Ideas For Outdoor Tile

Outdoor floor tiles are not just concerned with the overall visual appeal of an outdoor setting. Other factors make it important to know which tiles are best for outdoor flooring. Factors like durable nature, slip resistance, and the functioning of the outdoor environment are a few things you must keep in mind while choosing which tiles are best for outdoor flooring. 

Om Concrete Products is the supplier of the best chequered tiles in Kolkata and paver block in Kolkata. Our ultimate flooring option is not only suitable for outdoor area. But it is also the best option you can get at an affordable price while maintaining the outdoor patio's durability, aesthetics, and longevity of the outdoor patio units.

So, let us dig deep into the outdoor flooring oasis with our unique options for outdoor flooring. Read on.

Cadbury designed chequered tiles

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What Are The Different Type Of Flooring Option For Outdoor Space?

Are you confused about choosing the top patio tile for your outdoor area at home? Know which tiles are best for outdoor flooring. Our range of outdoor flooring options is something that you cannot deny buying. The easy-to-fit, maintain, and visually appealing outdoor tiles can make your outdoor space a legit talk of the town place. 

As a renowned paver blocks manufactures in Kolkata, we provide a variety of the best outdoor tile for you to choose from.

Paver Blocks For Outdoor Applications

If you are searching for the best flooring option for your outdoor setting. Like that of a garden, pathway, and driveway. Then, there is nothing more steady than choosing paver blocks for outdoor flooring solutions.

So, are you thinking why paver block should be your final choice for outdoor flooring? Worry not! We have the right answer to all your queries. Paver blocks are made of concrete tiles and products that are bound together with sand and cement for hardness.

Paver blocks are not only durable but it is also a cost-friendly option for your outdoor flooring option. The durability makes it the best choice for driveways and pathways. As it can withstand the heaviest load of foot weights and drive loads.

Paver block also comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and the easily customizable option makes it the perfect flooring option for outdoor settings.

Pic of paver block for outdoor flooring

Chequered Tiles For Outdoor Use

Have you ever seen how beautiful a pathway with chequered tiles looks? The easy-to-use and cost-friendly solution can turn your home's outdoor setting into a visual pleasure for your guests. Our option of chequered tiles among which tiles are best for outdoor flooring, comes in a variety. The four square, 17 dots, Cadbury, and Rockstone tiles are the most named chequered tiles among the rest.

You can also combine various types of chequered tiles to create a unique outdoor patio floor that you can't stop appreciating.

Chequred tiles flooring in an outdoor pathway

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Ceramic Tiles For Outdoor Living Space

Though ceramic tiles are eye-appealing. Their nature is not as durable as chequered tiles or paver blocks. The ceramic tiles look the prettiest when it comes to the visual representation of your outdoor floor. The smooth glossy finish of your ceramic texture can grab a lot of attention.

It is one of the popular flooring options that people opt for. But you must keep in mind when looking for which tiles are best for outdoor flooring. You must only choose ceramic tiles if your outdoor setting is not functional for driveways or heavy footprints. This natural stone tile is not proactive in withstanding heavy weight.

What Are The Benefits Of The Best Outdoor Patio?

While you are looking for which tiles are best for outdoor flooring. Your choice of type of tile should be based on the number of benefits it provides to you. That is why, we have arrayed the benefits of the above-mentioned tiles in this list. So that, you can find ease in choosing the best outdoor tile option for your home.

Paver Blocks

  • Heavy-Duty: As we have already mentioned, paver block should be your first choice, if you are looking for outdoor patio tile that is hard-to-wear and durable. Paver block can withstand the heaviest weight of carloads, and footprints without getting damaged slightly.
  • Easy Maintenance: Among many options choose from the suitable type of tiles for outdoor. The paver block is also the best choice because it can be easily installed. You also need to provide less maintenance for this exterior tiles. Thus, making it a perfect choice for outdoor arrangements.
  • Customizable Design: Paver blocks come in different shapes and sizes. You can select your best paver block among the various collections. You can also customize your choice by mixing various paver block shapes and colors to form a unique array of joy.

Chequered Tiles

  • Versatile Design: Chequered tiles are an excellent choice for outdoor footpaths if your focus is on maintaining both aesthetics and steadiness. The unique designs and options that chequered tiles come in make it difficult to choose just one design from the rest.
  • Durability: The single-layer and double-layer options of the chequered tiles have a depth of a minimum of 3mm. Which makes it the best option for providing longevity and maintaining cost-efficiency.
  • Easy Installation: You can retain the raw beauty of the chequered tiles with almost no help. As it can be easily fitted anywhere outdoors to create versatility.
Paver blocks in mud color for unique flooring option

Read More: How To Clean Tiles At Home - Om Concrete Products


With our ultimate solution of which tiles are best for outdoor flooring, you can now easily choose the best tile of your choice. Remember, to pay significance to the benefits of each outdoor tile before making the final decision.

You can also check out our variety of outdoor tile options on our website of Om Concrete Products.